2. Archives
What is an Archive?
An Archive is a logical container for Archive Packages that determines, how all the Packages (the data) are handled within the Archive.
Bitstream Preservation:
- archiving duration: initially agreed upon for 1 to 10 years (extendable in full years)
- replication: 2 copies, located at a single site in Heidelberg
- media type: any
- checksum validation: during ingest
A selected Data Responsible person can upload data within the archive and trigger various other processes. You can select only one person, and we recommend that this person has knowledge of:
- Which data should be archived and has access to your data.
- Metadata belonging to that data, for example their creators.
Data within an Archive is considered a Package.
How to Create an Archive:
- Role Project Leader
- An accepted Project
Create Archive:
- Go to Archives here
- Click 'Create new Archive'
- Select your preferred Archive Base Profile
- Fill out all required fields
- Select yourself or one trusted heiARCHIVE user as Data Responsible
What's the Role of the Data Responsible?
A Data Responsible person can manage the contents of an archive.
Their responsibilities include:
- Creating archive packages
- Uploading data into an archive package
- Managing metadata
- Using the heiARCHIVE API
- Initiating heiARCHIVE events:
- Closing archive packages
- Reopening archive packages
- Viewing errors
- Initiating archiving
- Retrieving stored data
What happens next?
We assume that you have created an archive. The person assigned as the Data Responsible needs to accept an invitation to join the archive with their respective role.
You can view any pending invitations here